: The Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, which basically originated from Wuhan city, China, in December 2019 [1]. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEICPandemic) on January 30, 2020. Currently, COVID-19 has spread to over 200 countries and territories, with over 7.5million cases and 4,019,568 deaths globally [2, 3]. First infections of COVID-19 in Sudan was detected among international travelers and returnees who arrived in the country between February and March 2020 [4]. As of June 9, 2021, Sudan had recorded 36,004 proven infections and 2,711 deaths [5]. Moreover, 109 deaths were reported in doctors between January 14 2020 to March 12 2021 [6].In some countries as much as 10% of health care workers were infected with SARS-CoV-2 and the WHO has outlined the need for training of health care workers in order to reduce the rates of infection [7]. Globally, healthcare workers are at the forefront in the containment ofCOVID-19 outbreak, diagnosis, and management of infected patients. Unfortunately, healthcare workers had also been the source and means of nosocomial and community transmission [8]. There is possibility of spreading Coronavirus infection in the absence of symptoms [9]. For health care professionals (HCPs), there is a serious occupational health risk due to their exposure to infected individual [10]. Protection of HCPs and prevention of intra-hospital transmission of infection are important aspects in epidemic response [11]. Lack of knowledge and misunderstanding among HCPs lead to delayed diagnosis, spread of disease and poor infection control practice [12]. Also improper attitudes and practices directly increase the risk of infection [13]. The aim of this research is to find out knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19among physicians and nurses in AlBanjadeed hospital.
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